
Monday, 23 January 2023

Corporate Soldiers (Typhoon Company)

 While the Typhoon Company's backers provide them with a great deal of latitude, they do like to keep an eye on their investments. As such, it's a common occurrence to see a handful of corporate soldiers accompany the mercenaries into the field. Granted the lines of communication and command tend to get a little blurry at times, however money talks, and Mike knows that without eyes on the ground, his paymasters might not come through with the goods.

When I picked up my paint brushes again some 5+ years ago, some of the first models I purchased were a handful of lose Reaper Miniatures Chronoscope 28mm units. Unfortunately, they were made from an awful plastic (Bones?) that was kind of bendy and lost a lot of the detail once out of the mold. My painting didn't do them any justice either, so a while back I tried stripping the paint and starting over. That was a mistake - the plastic lost its integrity and if anything, I was even more conscious of the castings' failures.

I did like the models however, so when my mates started pulling me into this Brofort setting, well I wanted to track down some of those old models and paint them up - metal this time. I attacked them in much the same manner as most of my minis - starting with a zenithal undercoat, then working my way up from dark to lighter colors, largely avoiding washes unless there was a big mistake along the way. It was a real case of keeping things simple and... well, it worked. I hope to be seeing them on the table soon!

There are a few more of these Nova Corp Soldiers in the range. I'll try and track them down as it would be nice to have a squad of 6-12 to use in various games. Also, I want to get the Reaper IMEF Marines - again I had them in plastic, but I'd like to get them in metal. Here's some images of the minis from both ranges. If anyone can get them cheap locally, and then work out how to get them to me here in Australia at a reasonable price, I'm all ears!



  1. The Reaper site has both, and they have an Aussie site:


    You could also spend a bit more to get them in metal so you don't have the material problems...

    1. Yeah, I might end up having to do that. One of the problems is I hate buying my hobby stuff at retail, when there's so much in circulation that isn't being used (aka "Piles of Shame"). If I'm lucky I'll hook up with a friend and organise a swap or find some at a swap meet.
