In preparation for our F28 game, I've finally put paint to metal and completed a clutch of minis! Let me introduce my first members of the Typhoon mercenary company.
The painting was done using Greenstuff Black Primer, followed by drybrushing Greenstuff White Primer. The reds and yellows were from Army Painter Speedpaint (the yellow was especially good) which once dry, I covered with a spray of varnish. I then used traditional acrylics to highlight and bring out the details. The bases were mainly sand and PVA, which after priming, I used Speedpaints to colour. After a few layers of varnish, it was good to go. Wow, when I describe the painting like that, it sounds fast - truth be told it was likely 20+ hours of work over a couple of months. I'm definitely not in this game for the money or fame!
What's next? I really like to have everything ready to run when it comes to my gaming. Quick Reference Guides. Rule Summaries. Scenario Handouts. They all make a huge difference when it actually comes time to playing a game. Along those lines, I'm a big fan of Unit Cards - something that readily details the Unit, it's stats and (importantly) explains how some of the more obscure rules work. Here's one I've prepared for Mike:
It prints out to 25x3.5" - about the size of a Poker Card. If I can get a few of these prepared, we'll be gaming in no time.
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