
Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Infinity Terrain Boxes

I've been clearing my backlog of hobby projects as of late. Why? For no particular reason, however it always feels good to just getting a job done and, in the doing, I often find myself inspired to undertake another project or two - yes, it is never ending!



Recently I've been talking to some club mates, and they were asking about experiences with Infinity's papercraft terrain buildings and containers. As it happened, I had started reinforcing a set that one of my friends gave me a little while ago, and having finished off my recent technopague projects, I was in the zone to do some more cutting and pasting.

It was a pretty straightforward affair. I used a combination of honeycomb and normal cardboard, along with some dense matboard to simply reinforce the blind sides of each of the pieces. When using PVA like this, it's often a good idea to weigh it down while it dries, as PVA contracts over time which commonly causes warping, especially when dealing with paper and cardboard.

Cardboard, PVA and a sharp hobby knife.
What more does a man need?
Gluing with some weight to keep the pressure constant
is a good idea.

I really like this type of terrain for club gaming. Sure, it often doesn't look as sophisticated as your normal 3D pieces, however for the price, weight, durability, and vibrancy, it's hard to beat.

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