
Wednesday, 4 January 2023

New Nids for Lost Patrol (Miniatures)

For the longest time, I've been meaning to paint up some 'Nids to include in my Lost Patrol set. To date, I've simply been using a handful of Genestealers from my copy of Space Hulk. While that works fine, it does mean I needed to check and confirm I had the right miniatures in the right box before nicking off to play a game at the local club.

This particular brood (?) of 9 didn't take an inordinately long time to progress through to completion. Early progress was compromised when the 'Nids kept on snapping off their bases which resulted in me pinning them in some creative ways - I quite like the result as it adds some variety to the collection. I also had trouble with my (very old bottle of) black and white primers, however, I recently bought Greenstuff World primers and they have been working fine. Finally, my painting problem - they were all drying up and/or separating or simply running out - was solved when one of my good mates gave me a box of Army Painter Speedpaints for my birthday AND a box of his old paints, of which I was able to reconstitute a good portion with artist medium and distilled water.

The paint jobs weren't anything complicated: a zenithal application of primers followed by Speedpaints, varnish, then some spot work before using a matte varnish to protect all my hard work. Oh, I magnitised the bases using N50 5x2mm magnets lodged into a 2-part resin putty that's sold at the local hardware store as a concrete/stone bog fixer - that extra bit of weight keeps the minis on the table while the magnets make for easy storage and transport.

Now all I'm missing is a dedicated set of Marines (?) for the Lost Patrol set. Somewhere I've 2 or 3 Scout Marines, so if I could track down another 2 who could fill the role of the Captain and Support gunner, I'd be laughing. Maybe it's time to put my feelers out on some of the Facebook trading pages... 

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