A while back now, I bought then built a few mdf designs from Scorched Earth. I've found such mdf kit have made for some low stress and cheap projects and additions to my collection.
I really liked these Chem Tanks designed by Promethium Forge. Using these mdf frame with some tin (actually aluminum) cans makes for some very atmospheric pieces. I added additional layers and pieces to give them character including bits of wire, paper squares, and drywall tape. and what not. The painting took a few attempts to get just right, but I got there eventually. If you are going to give these a try, make sure you really give them a good base/undercoating layer.
The frames went together very quickly. The stairs were a little fiddlier than the ribs - but easy all the same. |
I cut rectangles from paper, then glued them onto the cans with PVA |
A glossy spray did the trick - very chem tank! |
My mate Rob gave me some rub-on white numbers - I think they're called lexoset or something? |
After several alternating layers of washes and varnishes the tanks were done. |
This kit was rather nice but Don't you hate it when you forget to take photos of a project? I do so all too often. Each container had a quite a few layers which resulted in some great looking pieces. I gouged out the lines some before beginning my painting, which I've found to make for better definition on the final piece. Well you can see the results here - very nice huh?
I also used some computer keyboard keys to give each container a designated number - a useful feature when it comes to games.
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