
Sunday, 8 July 2018

Faction: Necron (R40k)

One of the biggest barriers to entry in any game is the preparation.  I've created Unit Cards detailing costs, energy, stats, equipment etc that can be printed double-sided, 9-to-a-page.  That means getting your games starting quicker and less looking through books while you're playing.

The Necrons in W40k are as unstoppable as they come: all the Black Library books describing Necron encounters portray situations that are desperate in the extreme.  Evidently, the best defence when it comes to Necrons is to get away very quickly...

Most of the other Factions I've stat'ed up for R40k started with me baselining their standard troops relative to an Imperial Guardsman.  When it comes to Necrons, that's just not going to work.  Instead, I've referenced my standard Tactical Space Marine spec of  CQ 4, RAT 4, DEF 5, Medium Powered Armour.  I've read it being suggested that Immortals are near Marine stat-wise and Warriors are slightly below and I've tried to hit that balance credit-wise when stat'ing them up.

The Necron's Reanimation Protocol and Living Metal traits are very much Force defining features in the W40k universe - without the same, Necrons just ain't Necrons.  Presently Rogue Planet doesn't accommodate for either rule and I didn't want to completely @$%#@ the game's design principles(no measurement, no counters, universal skill check) but I did come up with my own Reanimation Protocol Action house rule detailed here and included in the Necron Cards deck below.

One cool thing about the rule was that it allowed me to stat Necron Warriors and Immortals with Light Armour meaning they can be readily converted into a Group, which keeps with the way I'd like to see them deployed - give me 4 rather than 1 robotic death zombie any day of the week - and makes for the reanimation effect to be quite thematic and able to drive some great narratives.

I'd like to track down some Scrabs and a couple more specialist Units in due course... but there's no real hurry, as I've got plenty to keep me going in the meantime.

Necron Lord, Pariah, Immortals & Warriors (7+1 Cards Link)

Necron Warriors make the bulk of a Necron force.  Their high defence coupled with the Reanimation Protocol means they're tough to take down and their ability to downgrade Armour in both Ranged and Close Combat means that they're capable of auto-killing a Space Marine in Power Armour.  Nasty!

Necron Immortals provide the force with serious firepower - their auto Armour Piercing trait with the option of using High Impact Rounds and a handy +2 buff versus Heavy Armour makes for a serious threat.

Necron Pariahs are massive, Warscythe wielding monsters capable of smashing their way through all but the most hardened of foes.  Given their size, they're best employed to lead the charge into their enemy's ranks.

Necron Lords are typically going to be employed as Leaders.  In addition to a rather effective Power Claw that allows the Lord to throw opponents.  I'm inclined to give the Lord a +2 modifier on a Throw reflecting the absence of another weapon - I'm discounting the staff as if it's wrapped up in the Power Claw + High CQ combination.  The staff does provide the Lord with the means to perform Psychic, nor Warp, Casts.  Presently I've allowed for 2 Casts (meaning the Lord can retain 2 Cards in hand) and like the idea of having both Terrify and Throw available.

The three Group's I defined (Warrior Squad, Immortal Squad and a mixed Hunter Squad) are all a step-up credit-wise but are really capable of kicking serious butt with their ability to regenerate/reanimate members of the Group, thereby maintaining the pressure of an assault... marvellous stuff.
So what have the Berman's presently got tabletop ready with regard to Necrons? 1 x Necron Lord, 1 x Paraith, 4 x Immortals and 13 x Warriors - that's 19 models in total.

The above makes a few different configurations e.g., 4 Hunter Squads (3x Warrior + 1x Immortal) or 3 Warrior Squads and 1 Immortal Squad.  Spare Immortals or Warriors can be used as Pawns to designate Fire Support, Ammo Grunt, Brutes etc, with the Lord as a Leader and a maybe the Pariah designated as a Lieutenant.

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