
Sunday, 8 April 2018

Charlie's Rooftop (Terrain)

Charlie is becoming quite creative and on Saturday asked: "Could I make and paint something with you Daddy?".  You want to muck around in the shed with your Dad??? Well, of course, you can!!
I cut the pieces he selected to his specifications and after he had ransacked my store of bits and arranged them to his satisfaction, I then superglued them down - a 5-year old gluing his fingers together is something to be avoided!  He then did a rattle can undercoat spray and after that dried, he had fun using the airbrush to create this rooftop skin.

This is our next generation of rooftop skin: it comes in two parts allowing it to sit within the box or flush on top of the box.  Pretty nifty I say.


  1. Looks great, I'm impressed you got a 5 year old to use an airbrush! Might want to watch those caps as they age though...

    1. Fortunately terrain is very forgiving when it comes to painting, but that said, Charlie was super focused and quickly came to grips with the duel action trigger. Good though re the caps, we will keep our eyes on them.
