
Thursday, 15 February 2018

R40K Traits and Enhancements (Rogue Planet)

Warhammer 40,000 has many faction-specific traits that colour the game.  Whilst Rogue Planet already provides for a host of traits, gear, pawns etc I felt there's still room for some more.

These may eventually be refined or redefined as one of the same and I may well allocate a notional Credit cost to them as well.  As most of the games I play lean more to scenarios than balanced, competitive play, the costing is less important to me.  By the way, I took a lot of inspiration from and adapted the excellent In the Emperor's Name! rules when compiling this list.

Also, if you're thinking about leveraging some of these in your own Rogue Planet games, I'd suggest you think about whether to make these mechanics a Unit trait (i.e. something bought for and applied to one or more Units in the retinue) or maybe including them as a Pawn, associated with the Leader/Hero.  For example, Bounty Hunter described below could be applied to a number of units or could be tied to a pawn model, tied to the Leader/Hero - it makes for all sorts of opportunities to field more miniatures on the table without adding additional overhead and complexity to playing the game.

Bounty Hunter

Before the game begins, a figure possessing this ability may single out one enemy figure on one of
the opposing retinues. That figure is the Bounty Hunter's quarry.  The Bounty Hunter then gains:

  • A soft (+1) RAT and CQ buff against the quarry.
  • All movement-related skill checks taken whilst approaching the quarry are also granted a soft buff.
  • Should the quarry concede two Failure-related Move(s), the usual single move per unit restriction is waived on the Bounty Hunter if they are approaching their quarry i.e. the Bounty Hunter can make two consecutive Moves to close-in.

Combat Master

If they knock down or take out a foe in melee, figures with this ability may move FX Range toward another enemy figure, but only if they are not already in base contact with a second figure. Should they be within range, they may initiate another free CQ attack against this new figure.

The free Action may be countered.

A figure may never make more than one extra advance and attack with this ability per turn.

Used in combination with a Long-strike weapon, this trait can be particularly effective.

Desperate Shot

Figures with this ability are skilled with taking risks with their weapons. Once per game, the figure may declare it is taking a desperate shot, firing its weapon hot or emptying its clip in a fury of fire. This declaration occurs before any dice are rolled. The figure adds a Rogue Die to its Shooting Skill Check, but the weapon is then rendered useless for the remainder of the game. Additionally, if the player's Skill Check fails due to the Rogue Die, the Rogue Die's result is applied as a hit upon themselves as the weapon explodes!

Gun Kata

A figure with this ability may take a second, free, standard SHOOT Action with a ranged weapon if they achieve a Kill result on an enemy figure when undertaking an otherwise standard SHOOT Action. This free Action can be countered.  They may only do this once per Turn.


When in FX Range of an ally(s) also with Horde, units with this ability gain a +1 to their CQ stat.
This is a useful trait to apply to the like of Orks, keeping with their background, allowing them to gain an edge over their enemies in close combat.

Medic (further rules in addition to those detailed in Thibault Bloch's House Rules page 6)

Figures with this ability can assist their injured fellows.  Downed figures in base contact with a Medic employ the Relentless trait (see below) when attempting a Recovery Action.


A figure with this ability can roll 3d6 and choose the highest 2 dice when making a Recovery Action.

Snap Out of It

The power to Invoke Faith makes the followers of the Imperium immune to Terror within LoS of a priest, chaplain etc.


A figure with this ability who does not move in a turn may then take a single shot at an enemy figure and ignore any cover modifiers.


When in FX Range of an ally(s) also with Volley, units with this ability gain a +1 to their RAT stat.

This is a useful trait to apply to the likes of Imperial guard, keeping with their background, allowing them to coordinate effective firing patterns.

Warp Jump

Warp Jump or teleport is subtly different from the existing Blink Cast available to Sorcerers.  War Jump allows a Unit to attempt to jump to anywhere on the board.  Firstly the player nominates the target location then makes a Skill Check as described below.

Outcomes are dependent upon whether the target location is in LoS (inclusive of partially obscured) or LoS is blocked.

A Warp costs 1 Action Point, however, the player can expend additional Action Points to buff their Skill Check, each additional Action Point generates a +1.  Note that usual Action Point limitations apply.

If Los can be established, perform a Skill Check and apply the following result:

  • A Critical Total Success means the jump was on target and the opponent's Counter Action is voided - the opponent's counter Action Point expenditure is still deducted but has no impact whatsoever.
  • A Total Success result means the Warp was successful to the target location. 
  • A Partial Success results in a successful Warp to the target location and grants the opponent a free Move Action.
  • A Failure results in a Warp to the target location, a random staggering effect applied to the jumping model and a free Move granted to the opponent.
  • A Critical Failure results in a random staggering effect applied to the jumping model's point of origin, a free Move granted to the opponent and the Warping model is prohibited from taking any further Actions during the Turn. 

In the event that a Warp is attempted to an area in which the Unit does not have (not necessarily clear) Line of Sight, a Rogue Die is included with the Skill Check test.  The results are as above but for the following:

A Failure or Critical Failure on account of the Rogue Die does the Rogue Die's value in damage to the jumping unit.

Counter Actions can be declared by the opponent at either the point of origin or the target location, not mid-route. Only Intercept, Opportunity Fire and Dodge can be used to Counter a Warp Action.  note if the Warping unit was staggered during the Warp and is out of LoS of an Opportunity Fire attack, then the counteracting party's Action is wasted.

Counter Actions can be resolved either point of the warp, using eg op fire, intercept or dodge in the event of an engagement.

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